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Dream amethyst spheres

Dream amethyst spheres

Regular price $55.00 USD
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Beautiful vibrant dream amethyst spheres approx 4 in diameter 

Vibrant, beautiful, and enigmatic, dream amethyst is one of the most gorgeous gemstones that you will come across. It is a variety of quartz stones and is one of the most well-known semi-precious stones.

Many people believe in the intense healing capabilities of dream amethyst quartz. Dream amethyst is said to be an excellent natural tranquilizer. It is also said to promote healthy sleep cycles.

Apart from promoting physical wellbeing, amethyst is also said to be good for spiritual and mental wellbeing. It is said to bring about spiritual upliftment. It is believed to cleanse the aura of negative vibrations and ensure the flow of positivity.

Believers also say that this precious gemstone can help open up our senses and intuition to be more receptive psychically. It can help us realize the presence of the higher energies around us and empower us to overcome mental suffering.

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