It is no secret that crystals can be used to help people connect with each other and nature, and Stephanie Wuilleumier has been utilizing this power since 2020. She sources crystals from numerous mines and vendors around the world and offers them at an affordable price. Everyone who has purchased a crystal from her receives a piece of her energy and time, as each one is selected with individual intention, and Reiki healing is applied to all of them.
This unique process has made Stephanie's collection of crystals incredibly popular among those looking to connect more deeply with themselves, others, and nature. By hosting InstagramTM live showings of her collection, people have become more aware of the powerful effect that these special stones can have on their lives. Those lucky enough to find the stone that speaks to them have found peace and connection in the comfort it provides.
Stephanie's expertise in crystal healing has allowed many to find peace and tranquility in their lives. Even simple activities like taking a walk or enjoying a cup of tea can become sacred rituals with crystal energy present. Quite simply, she asks, “Why should your day be boring?” And often, she says “Add some crystals to your life to add some sparkle!”
Stephanie's mission is not just about selling stones; it is also about teaching people how to better appreciate their natural environment and use it to discover inner strength. Through her work, she helps people find balance between their minds, bodies, and souls while they learn how to harness the power within them through a connection with nature.